Tuesday, August 13, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Internship has ended and I must say that I really had bad times there. Never did I complain so much about a job before. I might complain about my lessons in school but after going through internship, I realised that I love my school more and would rather go for lessons than to go back to my intern company. 

I just hope that I wouldn't be in such a bad luck when I find a full time job. Although my attitude is the key, but I hold down my pride to apologized for my actions and it was the right thing to do. People being nasty to me, doesn't mean that I have to be nasty to them too. However I don't like the feeling of being hurt by these kind of two face person. Infront of you they might be smiling, behind you ... God knows what will they do.
Especially the smiling ones, for now I just think that they are creepy and I should avoid them!

That's everyday, during internship !


I have to be in style too I guess.If not I will lose out big time :( 

I also get to know lots of my haters this month. I wonder, was it because of 7th month that my luck went all the way to the bottom. Or it is just me? 

Sometimes it wasn't a good thing to get close to someone that easily. I learnt that I should hold my guard up against this kind of people. Not trusting anyone ever to even share any of my stuff with any of them.
I gotta believe that I can handle all those by myself and be strong. 
I will get my way through all these bullshits eventually.

Hopefully in Kaplan people will just leave me to be for the 2 months.

Quote for my haters :) ! 

What I should be keeping in mind:

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