My love ❤
Saturday, August 17, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

There are things to make my life good and bad. What I enjoyed most is the accompany of those whom I adore and love ^_^ ... 

After considering for long long time, decided to get together with some idiot. 

& I am happier right now. As compared to the past few months of this year. I just hope that everything got better from now on. Now that I feel loved and cared for, I really hope this would go on :) . I just hope that everything that I choose will not be wrong. (*^_^*) ...

Hehehe :D 

Also met up with my bbg after like half a year of not meeting... Was really really happy! If I went into Temasek Poly I will have more time to spend with her :( .... 

She's someone I must be thankful to . Hehe . 

I am so glad that I met someone like her. As she's always there when I need help, or I met with some kind of trouble. Thank you bbg for these 8 years :) . I really really appreciate it. How can anyone not be friends with someone who is so kind hehehe? I am so lucky to be her friend ! 

Also, met up with Janette to go ikea and of course daiso. She's the best that I met at my internship company. Someone who accompany me and cheered me up and also not forgetting encourage me on. I appreciate it :) .

First day at work at Murdoch University @ Wilkie Edge Kaplan :) 

Also met up with Sarah whom I also did not meet her for so freaking long haha. Time past really fast too. It's been like 5years. Haha 

&& my pretty rings arrived hehe !!!!

The super good food I ate this week that I have a photo of :) ....

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