Friday, June 7, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

I have finally done 4 RJ for internship ! Left with another 4. So I have to endure with this shit for another 8 more weeks then I am a free soul ! :D 

I have so much to complain right now because it got me so pissed off at work. I have never felt so helpless because of the impossible task given by my boss. It is like building a temple above the clouds, seeking an impossible perfection. Everything are like so rushed and last minute. Previously asked if they have any deadline, he is like " Do you want a deadline? " . Then on a Thursday suddenly whatsapp " Hey can everything be done by this week?" ..... WHAT?! Then he shifted to the next Wed. & The requirement is like FUCK IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE. I am not a robot and I won't work during the weekend, it is well reserved for Samsung.  

Monday, it is my unoffical off. Fucking sick already, I won't want to sacrifice in such a poor environment and working relationship among bosses and other temp staffs. NEVER EVER ! If this is a full time job I will quit within a month.
Start of June is a bad week for me! I just don't know why am I so unlucky last week and this week. :\ 


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