Wednesday, May 29, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

My very tired face from all the work. 
I got to edit my photos to cover whatever dark circles I have. 

The only Reflection Journal I found that they are actually asking what I really learnt. 

"Think on the changes that you have made, as you move from a student to a young working adult. What are the toughest changes made by you, and how do you overcome these challenges?"

At first I really think that leaving school and going to work is a cool thing. Always wanting to behave like an adult, trying what they are doing everyday. However ended up, I still thinking going to school is so much more fun than going to office and do mundane fast. (At least I can watch drama in peace.) Having to wake up at such early timing and end at such late timing, it is consuming my life away. It is like my life is dedicated to the company and everything are just about them. It is worse juggling 2 jobs at the same time, but I can hang on till everything end I supposed. 

Initially I just wanted to take a photo of my sick face. Coughing really badly. 
Regardless of how sick am I, I couldn't take medical leave, I have to survive till the Monday after the IT show. :'( 

It is so tough, but I can't really give up because both jobs matters to me. 
It is not exactly that I am living a happier life because I earn more. 
I do feel super happy when I see the amount being transferred to me every pay day, but if it is to feel so exhausted and I can't really do much unless I sacrifice my sleep which I am doing every day. 
Then it won't be really good for long term already :'( . 

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