Hello July!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Finally it is July :) !
Everything is coming to an end, and there will be lots of changes going on this and next month. 
I too decided that I should risk quitting Samsung and find something more stable. 

June is sort of enjoyable as I have many off days and had fun. 
Starting of July is fun too! As I will be leaving for Malacca on 13th July. :) 
& I had lots of fun these 2 days going out with Samsung friends :) 

There's actually good and bad. 

Bad thing is I feel kinda sad leaving the brand that I always love, at the previous agency I really enjoyed myself and I feel really happy working with everybody. Roadshows are the most enjoyable events I would always looked forward to. I feel that I belong because everyone treats me well, even my incharge treats me really good. 

If there was no changes. I would stay and not even consider going to other companies or even have any complaints. 

New agency is really unbearable staying there as they really fire people without blinking. Even for the slightest mistake, off you go. The boss doesn't even have the basic respect for his part timers. There was this one time that I went over to submit time sheet and he just glare at me when I did nothing wrong. Perhaps the only mistake was that, I was from the previous agency? I am sorry that I only remember this. 
Also I did not have a good impression of the boss when I am in HTC. Always picking on me, it is like out of so many people it is always me who get picked to do role play. Also feeling exhausted when I am having my internship, as I could not even pause my part time job for a moment to just concentrate on my internship. IfI do so, I will just lose the shop that I always worked at. At first, I just thought to myself that I should just bear with it for four months. However, it ended up with so many people getting fired and quitting and I am quite unhappy too so I think I should just leave as well. :( . Of course there are more issues faced that makes me want to quit it badly. I might get a lower paying job outside, it is fine. As long as I get out of it.

Internship is getting more and more enjoyable. Although with the amount of workload but I really met this super awesome girl today! Went to have lunch with her and talk a lot. Admire her for being such a wonderful person that doesn't see stress as stress but something that she enjoys doing. Or maybe that she is the first person I met to tell me that. & I went "wow" . :) 

Also internship is ending in a month time :) 
Yay to myself for gaining back my freedom soon :) ! 

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