My weekend
Monday, February 4, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Starhub Roadshow @ Plaza Singapura - Day 1 

On the first day they came I was damn lucky. I was on break when they came, therefore I am able to snap some photos of them. hehehehe! 

My focus was on Joshua and Tosh. My friend thinks that Tosh is handsome/cute (I can't remember), and I think Joshua is good. Awesome Saturday I have. However am not so lucky when the Hongkong stars came because it's late and it's busy inside the shop and at the roadshow. Therefore, suck it up.

2nd day - They came again! 

Thanks to the Sony promoter that I have these photos because I can't go and see them, as well as the hongkong stars. Just went to peep and ask if outside have stock for certain models. No choice, managed to look at whom my friends wants to look at. Not so much into HongKong stars, so it doesn't matter hehe!

Working at town area is great uh, last week managed to see Aaron Yan, because he walked past me. This week manage to see Ah boys to men and some hongkong stars and ah niu. (Y) Great great.

However there are the "not so great" things that happen as well lah. It's not perfect. I almost died because I am too bored and out of frustration on Saturday. I cannot rant on the sales floor, but I really hate people asking me something many many times, over and over again. I want to escape but I can't, then I got so frustrated till I want to die. The aunty can still ask for my number. LOLOLOL. I don't mind people telling me grandmother stories but I don't like to repeat myself.
Well it's over. There's so much to complain in life, but aiya... :\ Trying to just look on the fun and positive things rather than negative ones.

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