A day before new year eve
Friday, February 8, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Happy 7th monthsary ! 

It's been seven months ever since we are together. :) However as the months goes by, we didn't really celebrate it :( ! I am working on the day itself some more. Now even my boyfriend starts working already. :'( ... I love you baby, work hard! :D

A new start of the year!

It is nearing to the long awaited, Chinese New Year. The year starts right after it, because the rest of the year will be blunt and boring. However this year I am going to Bangkok to shopppp~ :D . 
After all the fun, got to start saving up already. 

Fun ! 

Had been having lots of fun recently! :) Have been happy for the first month of 2013. Thanks to the awesome people I have in my life :) ! 

My hair after I dye (above) and below is before. 

I don't know which is nicer thou. 

Thank you for not complaining how naggy or annoying I am. & Still choose to listen to me rant. Be happy ya! Love you ^^ ! 

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