Friday, January 25, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Tired of everything. I tried so hard, nothing works. I mean EVERYTHING.
Communication is a problem, we were too into ourselves, we don't understand each other.
Which results in differences, and those differences nobody are able to resolved as of different mindsets and believes. I hope I am appreciated and not insulted / scolded.

Everything is going fast and wrong. Academic too.
Even how I feel and how I think, everything is going out of the way. Been getting a lot of moodswings which I doubt that I handled it well, I've been thinking of the pasts. Everything I shouldn't be thinking of, just because of a sentence.

Struggle again. After February, I hope that I'll be able to let go, & get busy with work and earning $. That's the most important right now. Money is the world, when you have them you are the god. I am not materialistic, although I love money but I only love my hard-earned money. Unless you are some stupid fellowww who wants me to spend your money ;) !

Even all the shits I've been through lately. I've still got my handsome boy to make me happy :) ! Even bringing me to movie and treating me dinner ;) . Aww

Enough complaining.

ciaos !

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