Sunday, January 27, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Me & myself. 

There are 4 types of people that you (or maybe me) will remember for life. 
1st, those that you love. 
2nd, those that helped you / guide you along in life. 
3rd, those that you are neutral with.
4th, those that you hate.

I am lucky to have met those types of people in my life. Somehow makes me understand more about life and be more knowledgeable. Through experiences, I learnt what is right and wrong, what went wrong that cause a certain type of consequences. & the one that I hated, makes me understand that there are people with different personalities exists and how I should judge people. As I can say previously I am biased in my judgement, however somehow I just knew and my judgement are hardly wrong. No matter what, I am thankful that I have learnt.

As one grew, thinking changed. 

In the past I don't agree to the statement, " the way you think will change as you grew ".
However now I agree to this. In the past, I just want to play / enjoy my life as there's a saying " You only get to live once " . Now from what I've seen / heard, there seems to be a lot of responsibilities one have to take up in life after one steps into the society. The amount of charges the government charged nowadays are really scary and hardly affordable to all. To live, everyone are suffocating in a way or another. Now we have our parents to pay our bills, house, our meals & our comfort. However one day we have to be responsible for all those, all by ourselves. Kinda scary. I just can't imagine how much responsibilities will be thrown at me, how I will be able to manage it. Gotta start thinking and stop wasting my life away. Everyone are working hard and I am guilty of not working hard enough. Just complaining how I can't achieve one thing.

Just like what I've learnt in organizational behavior, what drives ones motivation.
For mine most probably is mixing with people from all walks of life. It motivates me a lot when I heard from people's ideas and reflect upon mine. I like to talk, so yea.

In poly, the most interesting modules are just organizational behavior and marketing. Why am I not specializing in those areas instead of IT ?

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