Saturday, December 22, 2012 // 1 comment(s)

Taking 11pm coach there! 

So happy and excited that day, that the previous day I couldn't sleep well. I can't sleep on bus too! We reached earlier than we expected, at 5.30am. What can we possible do?! 

End up drinking coffee at Starbucks because the weather is too cold. The wind just kept on blowing like nobody's business. It's too foggy to see anything as well, so we stayed indoor! 

After Checking-In and unpacking, took the skyway cable car to Strawberry farm, Mushroom Farm, Flower farm and Larvender farm. 

They allow picking of strawberries yourself, since I did not try this before. It's a one time experience for me. Pretty Strawberries :) 

Followed by Strawberry coated with Chocolate. This is my favourite, I feel like eating all of it. However due to some constraints I didn't do that. 

Flower farm

There's actually more photos, but it will be so so so long if I upload every single photos up in the blog. However, if you want to see you can go to  Here to check out my Genting - Day 1 photos! 

Moving on to Larvender Farm

Baby larvender, growing 

Snow World 

Genting Day 2

Breakfast in the morning @ First World Hotel. 

Outdoor Theme Park 

It's not fun at all to play in the rain because it's so cold for me and I actually did not put any eyeliner or contact lenses. Bear with my ugly face :( ! 

Our dinner for the day, I am so hungry that I ordered so much of food from the KFC. Apart from KFC we also ate Mary Brown's food, and it's super awesome! My boyfriend love that, so if any of you are intending to go Genting and crave for fast food, try Mary Brown.

After Dinner...

We proceed back to the outdoor theme park to play a few more games before it closes as it rained super heavily till I have to give up playing go-kart. 

Drinking Hot Milo!

I realised my boyfriend take nice photos and often I took the blur ones :(! Why like that!?

Washed Strawberries for us ! 

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