Full stop to year 2012
Monday, December 31, 2012 // 0 comment(s)

It is finally the end of year 2012. The year did not begin well but it ends well with all my love ones. It's a year that I finally want to stable down and to think what I really want (However, I didn't success in that). 

There are really lots of positive things that happened in year 2012. 

I've met my awesome classmates in Year 2 Sem 1

Our xiaofen who doesn't like to take photos! 

As well as Year 2 Sem 2

Debbie & my fellow Marketing Team mates

It's awesome with the girls around. I've learnt a lot, I've play a lot, I've laughed a lot, etcs with you all around. Thank you :D . You all made my school life more interesting and happier hehe!

Of course the clique I always hang out with, the BBS


The guys are closer among themselves, but they never failed to make me laugh at their nonsense and at times feel "paiseh" being out with them in the public. I supposed just the word "bold" depict them well.

Through them I met with Yuan Yi, she's really a nice person whom I can spent hours chatting with her non-stop and not getting tired of it. I remember the time at the cafe, it's awesome! 

Just hope that I can meet up more with her and talk about those random past things. 
It's nice to listen to her talking about her awesome libras friends. 
I love Libra people too :) ! 

She's the first girl I met without getting together with my boyfriend at that point of time. 
My first impression of her was " Wa this girl like quite fierce". 

End up she's really a nice person too! HAHA. 
Maybe we stick together now and then, so I feel a lot more comfortable sharing things with her. 
She's awesome too! 
Me love Capricorn too haha! 

How can I not love Capricorn right. My boyfriend is one HAHAHA! 

Met him when he fell out of love? I don't even know if his that relationship was considered love?
One sided maybe? 

Started to get curious about him when he sent text to the wrong person.
However when I got to know the full story, I pity both guys his ex timer-ed. 

So we kept chatting and meeting up with the BBS then. At first he kept making fun of me, bullying me. Till an extent that I feels like killing him. But he's funny and cute at times too. 
& Now, I'm hopelessly glued to him. 
He won't be able to leave me, cuz I'm sticker than the stickest glue on earth. HEHE. 

He's really awesome, cuz' he can tolerate all my attitude and rubbish. No guys have that kind of tolerance which I really salute to. 

That's why I love him so much. :D 

Not forgetting people at my workplace. 

Just as you know, I was a HTC promoter and I joined and quitted the company the same year. 
Cuz everything is really quite fucked up in there and I think I don't have to tolerate it. 
A job needs to makes me happy, I feel happy helping the customers but I am unhappy with what's going on in the company and therefore, POOOF ! I QUIT

& Joined this awesome team not long ago, Oct 2012. 

I don't know a lot of people well, so I stood alone :( ! 

I had also unhappy things I wished that in the new year, this kind of trouble will not be reoccurring.
This year I've been through a struggle which I totally went crazy. I couldn't forget, so don't even mention about forgiving. It's not entirely that it's something that I must forgive him of because it's their past. What I can't forgive is what I fucking remembers. what she did to me.
If it's other people, I doubt they can forgive. What I've been through, it wasn't easy to get over. 
I sincerely hope, there's nobody like her appearing in my life again. 
& I am sorry too, for whatever I scolded you. IF it's just one person hating on you, maybe  that person is jealousy about you. BUT when it's a group of people disliking/hating, shouldn't you reflect on yourself?

Hope you will be AWESOME !


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