1st Jan 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Happy New Year ! 

I've decided to put everything together so it won't seems that it's a super duper long post! 

Celebrated New Year 2013 at a pub, I won't be naming it as I don't really recommend people to go. 
As I don't have a really good experience yesterday, as the voucher is $20 and additional charge of holiday fees is $3. However the boss kept charging us extra, which wasn't stated in the voucher. 

However still, we had a great time there as we were with our group of friends! 
& of course my boyfriend.

My best girls. 

& this super interesting poster.

Drinks we tried.

??? = Coconut ram. 

This year I wasn't exactly lucky but I spent the countdown part uniquely! Went to my boyfriend's house to spend the countdown part with his parents. However his mother was too tired, so she went to sleep early! Was planning to go home after the countdown, however I was sneezing, coughing and worse of all having a high fever that got my boyfriend damn worried. Still he took care of me despite him being super tired. 

See, I am super duper lucky to get such an awesome boyfriend, who love me so super duper much  :D ! HAHAHA ! 

Over due photos 

Went to watch cz12 with the clique. Previously I thought, it's just a double date. But everyone came haha. It's still awesome!

Bored in arcade, bored at home so I've decided to take photos. 

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