13 days
Sunday, September 29, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

I am really exhausted after working continuously. Everyday I just can't get myself off the bed. However, I am happy that I learnt something during these few months. Internship then temp staff at Murdoch university. I like what I do for the job I found, unlike internship where I went through all the shits and I have no idea what's going on most of the time. 

Ending contract with Murdoch program management team, meaning regaining my freedom. However i will miss all my colleagues and all the fun we had :( . Thank you for teaching me excel, or work related stuffs :) !

Assignments are coming. So I have to rest well these few weeks to be able to have the energy to cope with what that will be coming. The last lap of my education before stepping into the society :) ! 

Feel like going for another trip soon! 

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