Pre bangkok trip.
Monday, April 1, 2013 // 0 comment(s)

Photos from instagram

This was like long long ago during Feb photos!

During IT show :) !

Reelyn's birthday cupcake :) .

Bored & Alone At Esplanade.

There's nothing for me to do and I am waiting for dora so .... bought the book out to read and sadly I did not even finish 1 section!

Carmen's birthday :) ! Hehhe I kept forgetting her age but kept thinking that she's the same age as me.

Work like a mad woman during the month of March. Hopefully I will earn more as compared to other months I am in Samsung. LOL .

Tons of things happened and .... be it good or bad. Life goes on.

Finally tomorrow it's my turn to be flying off to BKK :D ! Seeya!

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