Monday, January 7, 2013 // 1 comment(s)

There's a lot of ongoing things to keep me really really busy, like exams and certification for work.

However, there's still some enjoyment in school. Certain modules I am in the same team as people whom I got along well with. But now we have to rush our Marketing assignment ppt. It's blank now and we have to get it done latest by next next Monday! After UT2 comes UT3. In between there's certification test for mobile phones.

Planning Bangkok trip, makes me really excited. Most probably going around the first week of April, as in March everyone wants to work.

How pretty is that?! :) 

Now got to start saving, it's just 2 months away! Have to start holding temptations to buy clothes from online stores or outside. This time we are going with my beloved panda and boyfriend & clique. I'd like to visit their club, at least once! After reading Rachel Wong's blog, I really feel like going asap! http://www.rchlwngx.com/2013/01/welcoming-2013-bkk.html

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